Oak Hill Theological College From the website: 'Oak Hill aims to provide the best possible training for gospel ministry. We want you to increase your knowledge of God and his Word, and develop your ability to share that knowledge with people around you. At the same time, we want you to mature as a Christian and show Christ to others in all that you say and do.' Click to discover more about Oak Hill
Advertise here! We have community sites all around Chell & Chell Heath in the Stoke-on-trent area, within ST6 postcodes, or Staffordshire!
Click to create a focused, cost-effective advert from £37.50 per year! Need more information and prices? Click to see coverage and who you can advertise to
Welcome to this Chell and Chell Heath Local Information Portal
This portal, sponsored by Chell (St Michaels) & Chell Heath (Church of the Saviour) Churches, is full of information about your local area as well as other useful resources - such as weather, education, eco-living, computer know-how, travel, health, whats on, tourism and leisure. The portal gives you simple and quick (3 to 4 click) access to most local and global information important to your personal and working life.
The portal is already focused on your postcode area (Stoke-on-Trent ST6 6JT ) so all local links within the site are relevant to you! But you can enter any UK postcode (via Your Location tab) and all the local links will relocate for you - try it! Save time and money by making this site your homepage (Tools tab, then 'Make Homepage').
Stoke on Trent Stop Smoking Service provides free advice and support to help you stop smoking as well as medication, such as nicotine patches or gum, at prescription cost or free if you don’t pay for prescriptions. To find out more, please call 0800 085 0928 or text ‘stokequit’ to 60777.
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